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Expand_allClose allWhen does mynus financially break even for me?With regular usage you can expect mynus to recover its purchase price and break even after a little more than 18 months.How much of my own carbon footprint can I offset with mynus?If it is operated every day one mynus Co2 harvester will be able to capture 107kg of Co2 per year. This is equivalent to the Co2 footprint of a 500km trip with a small gasoline car (source: myclimate.org) or 1.3% of an average German’s annual Co2 footprint of 8 tons of Co2 (source: statista.com).



  • One Co2 harvest per day, that is one 1.5 liter mynus input bottle per day
What's the overall impact of mynus?If 60,000 people participate in the mynus carbon capture community, we can capture 2,600 tons of Co2 per year from the air. That’s a sizeable amount.How about the production emissions for the mynus Co2 harvester?We expect the production of a mynus Co2 harvester to generate around 100kg of Co2 emissions, which is comparable to the emissions for producing an e-bike. You would therefore need one year of operation to offset the initial production emissions of mynus.


However, we are considering to immediately offset the production emissions by buying Co2 offset certificates and include the costs for that in the €149 target price of mynus. This would enable you to starting cooling the planet from day 1.
Have you gotten certification for the negative Co2 emissions effect of mynus?This is high on our todo list (and on our to-be-financed list).


Preliminary calculations indicate a good potential for mynus to be overall Co2 negative, for a number of reasons:
  • The potassium hydroxide (KOH) input for mynus is being produced in any case. If mynus wouldn’t convert it to potassium carbonate (K2Co3) through its “slow cooking” solar-powered process and return it to the chemical companies, then chemical companies would do the conversion themselves in a quick but Co2 consuming large-scale industrial process.
  • The potassium carbonate (K2Co3) output of mynus is highly durable. You would need temperatures of around 900°C to convert it back into KOH and Co2. It is therefore unlikely that the Co2 will be released back into the air any time soon.
  • Transport from the chemical companies to supermarkets and back happens mostly by carbon-neutral train transport. Transport from the supermarket to your home should happen during the supermarket trips you are anyway doing. Therefore little extra emissions from transport are expected.
  • Production emissions for a mynus Co2 harvester are estimated at 100kg. Around one year of operation is needed to offset this if we don’t offset it right away by buying Co2 certificates for a Co2-neutral production.
  • mynus will largely be made out of Teflon which is easy to recycle multiple times. Also the battery and solar panel components will be designed for easy recycling.
How does the chemical process work in detail?mynus uses the Co2 capturing abilities of potassium hydroxide (KOH). Potassium hydroxide naturally reacts with the Co2 in the air to convert into potassium carbonate (K2Co3).


The exact balanced chemical formula of the reaction is:


2KOH + CO2 → K2CO3 + H2O


In atomic weights, the formula looks as follows:


112.21 (2KOH) + 44.01 (CO2) → 138.20 (K2CO3) + 18.02 (H2O)


Therefore 1kg of KOH reacts with 0.39kg CO2 (from the air) to form 1.23kg of K2CO3 and 160ml of water.


mynus is currently projected to use potassium hydroxide in liquid form, dissolved in water at 50% concentration. The potassium carbonate output will be in hydrated form of 83% concentration.
How about health and safety?Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a strong base and contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes leading to eye damage. It therefore needs to be handled with great care. Potassium carbonate (K2Co3) output is less aggressive but still needs to be treated with caution. mynus input and output bottles will therefore have security lids to prevent any accidental spilling. The mynus Co2 harvester will also be designed for prevention of any spills.


Before serial production begins, we will obtain a health and safety certification from a renown independent German safety certification body, e.g. TüV.
How long will a mynus Co2 harvester last?mynus will have a two years product guarantee and is expected to last for at least five years.Will mynus work with an electrical plug?Yes. The electrical plug will allow you to utilize renewable energy from your external PV-system or from the grid. However, using energy from the grid is not recommended since it will dilute your returns from mynus.What has triggered mynus?The idea of mynus came about because we wanted to achieve two things:
  • Allow everyone to tangibly capture Co2 from the air, for a profit
  • Build Europe’s first carbon capture community
Your question is not on the list?Please write to us at info@mynus.de.
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